Saturday, October 14, 2006

Promise Keepers Canada

My buddy Lawrence and I have been hanging out in Calgary, Alberta (Canada) for the past couple days for one of Promise Keepers national events. Been cool to see over 2000 men coming together in this COLD city to learn, and grow and worship together. Yours truly, The BuckNakedFaith guy got to speak at the opening session. I suppose they figured they would start at the bottom and work their way up with speakers, because I was followed by Stephen Arterburn (author of "Every man's battle") and then KP Yohannan (president of "Gospel for Asia"). :-)

The cool part has been the opportunity Lawrence and I have to pray for numerous men, mainly in their twenties who are sensing a real call on their lives to live for something greater than themselves.

There is a snow storm moving in on Sunday and we are supposed to leave on Monday. I rented a little Toyota Matrix. Now we are wishing we would have upgraded to the Hummer. :-)

Southern Cal is sounding good.


Liz said...

Recently ordered your sermon CD's from Vineyard (Four Degrees of God's Love; ARe you a Thermostat or a thermometer; When God turns up the heat; and When Faith Grows Cold. Just wanted to tell you that they were awesome. Really enjoyed them and above that, they made me confront a few things about myself. Just wanted to say thanks. (by the way the shipping charges were outrageious - why is it that churches always charge twice the fair market value on everything?! ) thanks again!

Buck Naked Faith guy said...

thanks for the encouragment! I'm glad you liked the messages. That was a fun series to preach. :-)

Anonymous said...

Eric, leave the Hummer's alone. Not good for you, the environment, or other road users. Look what's happened to you, a few months in California and you are thinking of Hummers. Trust all is well despite the minor aberation :-)