Friday, May 27, 2005

Liquid Love

I was reflecting again on some great hereos of faith. I suppose Hebrews 11 does that to me. Take a guy like Charles G. Finney.
It is estimated that between 1857-58 over 100,000 people came to Christ as a result of his labors.

Over the course of his ministry it is estimated that over 500,000 people professed Christ at his tent meetings. Now's here's the kicker: it is reported that 80% of those "converts" remained faithful to God till death.

Where does a guy or gal tap into that type of power and annointing? Was it just from reading Olsteen's new book or some other self-help manual?
No, it seems Finney had an encounter with God like few of us have, but probably need...

Upon returning home after his conversion experience he writes in his journal:

“There was no fire, and no light, in the room; nevertheless it appeared to me as if it were perfectly light. As I went in and shut the door after me, it seemed as if I met the Lord Jesus Christ face to face. It did not occur to me then, nor did it for some time afterward, that it was wholly a mental state. On the contrary it seemed to me that I saw Him as I would see any other man. He said nothing, but looked at me in such a manner as to break me right down at His feet…I wept aloud like a child, and made such confession as I could with my child utterance. It seemed I bathed His feet with my tears; ad yet I had no distinct impression that I touched Him, that I recollect.

I must have continued in this state for a good while… I returned to the front office and found that the fire that I had made of large wood was nearly burned out. But as I turned and was about to take a seat by the fire, I received a mighty baptism of the Holy Ghost. Without any expectation of it, without ever having the thought in my mind that there was any such thing for me, without any recollection that I had ever heard the thing mentioned by any person in the world, the Holy Ghost descended on me in a manner that seemed to go through me, body and soul.

I could feel the impression, like a wave of electricity, going through and through me. Indeed it seemed to come in waves and waves of liquid love; for I could not express it in any other way. It seemed like the very breath of God. I can recollect distinctly that it seemed to fan me, like immense wings.

No words can express the wonderful love that was shed abroad in my heart. I wept aloud with joy and love; and I do not know but I should say, I literally bellowed out the unutterable gushings of my heart. The waves came over me, and over me, one after the other, until I recollect I cried out, ‘I shall die if these waves continue to pass over me.’ I said, ‘Lord, I cannot bear any more;’ yet I had no fear of death.”

Wow... Lord I want to experience your presence in such a profound way that it changes the way I walk, talk, and interact with this life I live.

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Online interview with Brian Orme

Recently Brian Orme posted an online interview with the author of Buck Naked Faith... oh, that's me. Cool. Anyway, I thought you may enjoy reading it and then surfing around his blog a bit. He is a great thinker, writer, and follower of Christ. Enjoy, and then post a comment or two here or there.