Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Crossing Thresholds

Lately, I sure have been thinking a lot about thresholds that we cross.
Obviously, moving and changing churches has had a lot to do with that. Still it goes a bit deeper than that. I closed out 10 incredible years in Port Angeles last month, stepping through a chronological threshold. There seems to be something psychologically significant about certain numbers. Thanks be to Rick Warren's purpose driven life to remind us again of the significance of the number 40. 40 days... 40 years... etc. My friend, David Parker turned 50 yesterday. That seems to be a pretty big threshold in peoples lives. I find out in a decade...

My crossing a threshold also influenced others to examine thresholds in their lives. My friend, Michael Chapman crossed into what he considers his calling as I stepped out of my role in at the Olympic Vineyard and he stepped in to become the new pastor. So once again I realize that we don't live our lives in isolation, but community.

Take a quick scan through your Bible at the significance of thresholds. It seems that God intends something so simple in the physical to have significant spiritual ramifications. Over and over again in the Old Testament God uses thresholds to define a place of being covered and protected by His presence or being outside it. It signifies moving from one place into another, often closer to his heart and promises. Israel crossed a threshold in the Jordan, moving from wandering to promise. The blood on the threshold of the doors protected God's people from judgment and death.

So I wonder. Are there significant thresholds that you have passed in your life that have brought you from Bondage to Freedom? or perhaps even further: from Freedom to Promise/purpose in you life? Have you stepped over a line and absolutely known it? Or has your life been a bit more blurry and less definitive. I'm sure like mine, it is a blend of both. I'm sure others who read this blog would like to hear a bit of your story as well...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Having gained the majority of my spiritual education under your tutelage, I have a great appreciation for crossing thresholds.

I grew to believe that the unique experience of OVCF was a common experience shared within every Christian community, but alas this is not true. The esoteric brotherhood you helped create among that tiny fellowship so many years ago is showing fruit in my own life in ways I never dared to dream.

I was afraid to leave OVCF for fear… of backsliding, yes, but more the fear that my own identity would diminish in the sea of unbelief all around me.

Now, several miles from "home" and my head coach, I find myself being thrust into positions of leadership because I possess knowledge that just isn't taught anymore.

I am now on the threshold of my own ministry of Christian education. To continue what you began in arming brothers and sisters in the faith for spiritual warfare… of educating other believers in doing the same. I get to carry the message you first taught me to people in the Midwest. Christianity may not increase under my ministry, but intelligent Christianity will.

I am grateful for your discipleship.