Monday, July 18, 2005

A shift of view

Hey friends,
Sorry it has been such a long time since I've posted. Honestly I've been doing some other writings. Here is one opportunity that I'm very excited about. The website will be hosting a somewhat weekly column of mine regarding culture and sexuality issues. It'll be called something like "Ask Dr. Eric". Pretty unique, huh. :-) So feel free to send them some questions that'll make this ol' sex professor squirm.

I have decided that I would rather devote my time to a website that is much more well rounded in what YOU can discover and learn and dialogue about. Blogsites can tend to be rather unidimensional (mine at least).

So surf over to and start looking for my column. Plus they have some great stuff on recovery issues, worship, leadership, and life...

Walk with peace. Walk in love. Walk with purpose, my friends.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Should you tell it — a lie.