Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Before we ask for more...

I watched a great "frontline" show on PBS (hey, the Broncos weren't playing) last night called "The Persuaders". It was all about consumerism and advertising in our culture. It got me thinking about how much we ask for in the name of Jabez these days.

God cares about the details in our lives, but he also knows the big picture much better than we do.
Before you ask for more, ponder these questions…
  1. What am I doing with what I’ve already been given?
  2. Does it build my kingdom or God’s kingdom?
  3. Does it take life from another in order to give life to me?
  4. Is it a distraction to living the life Jesus offers?

    Matt. 6:25-33

Now I need to go shop ebay for a new cell phone... cya

1 comment:

john chandler said...

First of all, thanks for the reminder that this is on. I just set Tivo to record it when it is rebroadcast tomorrow. Rushkoff does good stuff, so I'm looking forward to it.

Second of all, always good to see another Broncos fan out there.

Third, if you liked this, you might also like an older episode of Frontline called the Merchants of Cool. Rushkoff did that one as well.