Monday, December 04, 2006

Nashville in winter

I'm sitting here in Barnes and Noble, Nashville. Right next to the Grand Ol' Opry. It's 30 degrees outside, but my Americano is definitely warming my soul. Wow, this is a city that could sure stand to read "Plastic Jesus" or "The Irresistible Revolution by Shane Claiborne". Still people are MUCH more polite on roadways than Los Angeles. :-)

Just finished a couple days with my Native American Friends, Suuqiina and Qaumaniq. They were dedicating some property they have developed for an Arts/worship and wellness center. What a wonderful experience. There where cultures represented from all over the world. Just imagine a 1.5 hour worship set that flowed somewhat like this: Opening with some "standard" Chris Tomlin/Matt Redman stuff... then into some powerful Gaelic/Celtic worship using two harps and native flutes... then we flowed into a radical blend of Jewish/Native American sounds... to some Maori/New Zealand sounds... then a 15 minute native drumming and worship set using a large buffalo drum and at least 8 hand drums... finished off with some intimate Vineyard worship songs.

Okay sounds a bit chaotic, but it flowed so powerfully. Here is what is cool: NONE of it was scripted. Suuqiina just told people to bring their instruments and then allowed some of the "experienced" musicians to lead. It was such a fresh reminder of what I often read in Revelations where EVERY tribe, EVERY tongue, EVERY nation will worship at the throne. Oddly I got drafted into running the sound board. With all the drumming and a lady with a tambourine right next to my ear, that was a challenge. Still it wasn't about professionalism, it was about honor and passion. (None-the-less I think I need to start a love your soundman campaign for local churches. I forget how hard those guys/gals serve.)

Took three days to dedicate the wellness center in memory of Alle (Quam's granddaughter) who tragically died at the age of 3 some 7 years ago. But that is what I appreciate about Native values. They aren't in a hurry to do things. It is about honor, community, and motivation. Not speed and efficiency.

Speaking of efficiency. I've got to hurry to the airport so I can get home. Don't want to miss my flight...

Pray you are well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey Eric. I really enjoyed meeting you and having a chance to talk for a few minutes. i'm reading Buck Naked Faith right now. I appreciate your challenge.

-Jonathan Davenport